Questions? Call Us 804-966-1599

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Website FAQs

Question: Are social media accounts managed by the HOA management team?


Answer: NO.  Please communicate directly with the office for any resident questions or concerns. The HOA management team at the Community Association office can be reached at (804) 966-1599. We do not control or monitor social media accounts for Brickshire so for the most accurate and up to date information, as well as to effectively voice your concerns to where they will be heard, it is most beneficial to call the office.


Question: I forgot my password. Is there a way to retrieve my password information from the site?


Answer: Yes. On the Login Screen, there is a link labeled 'Forgot your Password?'. Click on that. On the next screen, either enter your name as if appears in the profile or enter your email address as it appears in the profile. NOTE: The 'Forgot my Password' function will not work unless you have a valid email address listed in your User Profile.


Question: How do I add my picture/information so it shows up on the website?


Answer: Click on the 'My Brickshire->my Profile->User Profile' link on the menu. On this page, you may enter as much or as little information as you wish to share about yourself. When you are done, click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.


Question: How do I hide my personal information so other residents cannot see it when they click on my profile?


Answer: Much of the information in the User Profile can be marked to hide. Additionally you can simply not enter information, or delete it from your profile.


Question: Can my spouse or other residents at my address have their own user account?


Answer: Yes, the property manager can add additional user accounts to each address.



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11000 Kentland Trail
Providence Forge, VA
Call: 804-966-1599