Architectural Review Board (ARB)
The ARB (Architectural Review Board) is an up to seven member board that reviews all proposed homes and improvements to properties in Brickshire. The ARB meets twice monthly on the first and third Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Owner's Clubhouse. Submittals are due in the Association office, as well as emailed digitally, by noon on the Monday one week BEFORE a meeting. All forms and construction information can be found on this website by clicking on Architectural Review Board and choose NEW BUILD PROCESS & PROCEDURES. Please note that assessment accounts must be in good standing for ARB review.
If you are an existing homeowner in Brickshire and need to submit an application to the ARB to review, will complete the Homeowner Improvements Application (see link below), email it or drop it by the association office with any supporting documentation required describing your project as well as your $50 review fee. This fee can be charged to your online owner's portal should you request us to do so (the application will note that not all owner projects require the $50 review fee). Submittals are due in the Association office by noon on the Monday one week BEFORE a meeting.
Download ARB Improvement Application
ARB Chairman: Tim Sutor / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact the office at (804) 966-1599 with any questions.